Did you know that there are more people over the age of 60 in Frederick County Maryland than there are children enrolled in our public schools? The number of elderly persons will continue to grow as the Baby Boomers age—resulting in a greater need for more services, one being to help feed seniors.
The Frederick County Maryland Department of Aging’s Meals on Wheels program is one such service. Two meals, one hot, and one cold for consumption later, are delivered at noon each day to eligible participants throughout Frederick County.
Providing a meal for an elderly person is a tangible service provided by Meals on Wheels, however, there are also several important intangible services that this program provides:
- A visit to an elderly person, who may not have any outside contact with people during the day, several days, or the entire week.
- Someone to check in on the meal recipient to ensure they are doing well, physically and mentally, and to contact emergency medical personnel in case of an emergency.
- Alleviation of the burden on families, who may be unable to provide meals for their loved ones.
However, like any organization relying on government and public support to exist and grow, our Department of Aging’s Meals on Wheels program can only provide as much as current local, state and federal funding allows. With a growing elderly population, more community support will be needed to continue this extraordinary service.
Friends of Meals on Wheels of Frederick County is a non-profit organization formed in 2009 whose mission is to support the Frederick County Maryland Meals on Wheels program through advocacy, community public relations, and fundraising, in order to achieve its goal of ensuring that no senior or disabled adult goes hungry. We want to make sure that the Meals on Wheels program can continue to expand and improve as the Frederick County elderly population increases.
Currently, it costs Frederick County’s Meals on Wheels program $2,400.00 a year to provide meals to one individual. That’s just over $250 a month, or just over $50 a week, or about $10 a day.
Friends of Meals on Wheels is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization and contributions are tax deductible to the extent permitted by IRS regulations. (Tax ID # 27-1519206) Donations to support this important work may be made by check payable to Friends of Meals on Wheels of Frederick County. For more information about Friends of Meals on Wheels, call Gail Wingate at 240-446-6402 or [email protected].