in home childcare

How In-Home Childcare and Elder Care Can Help Your Family

Did you feel like just when you had your virtual learning routine down, it became obsolete with hybrid learning? If so, you’re not alone as parents all over Frederick County have been navigating adapting to what life is like having school-aged children while in a global pandemic. If you are part of what is known as the “sandwich generation” you’re no stranger to navigating parenting and providing care for your aging or ailing parent. In some cases, many are also trying to provide care for more generations, such as the care of a grandparent, which can add to the overwhelm. Under these stressful times perhaps considering in-home childcare and/or eldercare can benefit everyone involved.

We understand that you many circumstances are out of your control and that you may have gradually fallen into this role when others in the family were either not willing or available to help. While your intention is noble and you may be able to juggle these caregiving duties for a while – even it means pushing yourself beyond your capacity – years of operating at a constant energy deficit will put you at risk for collapse or burnout. If you push yourself to burnout point, it defeats the purpose. You will no longer be in a position to care for anyone since you will have to focus on your own rest and recovery.

Before it gets to that point, consider getting some help. Hiring quality in-home childcare and elderly caregivers can truly be a Godsend for your family. They will give you the respite you need so you can recharge and care for yourself as well. Here are some examples of in-home caregivers that can provide the relief you need:

  • A Nanny– An in-home childcare provider or live-in nanny is a wonderful solution for anyone in the role of multi-generational caregiving – especially if you are also working. Nannies can assist your children with learning, homework, bathing, dressing, feeding and transportation. They can even assist with light housekeeping of the children’s areas and do their laundry. Knowing that your children are being well cared for, will give you time and energy to tend to your parents or grandparents, and care for yourself as well.
  • A Mother’s Helper – If you have an infant or very young child, a Mother’s Helper can take over some of your household duties so you can focus on your child, or take care of your infant so you can get some rest.  They can assist with cleaning bottles, washing clothes, making dinner, light housekeeping or running errands.
  • A Housekeeper – A housekeeper can be hired to handle heavier cleaning and laundry on a weekly or bi-weekly basis which is always a great help, especially if there are several family members living in the same household.
  • An Elderly Companion – If your aging parent is more or less independent and able to live on their own, but just need help with housekeeping, transportation, errands or shopping, hiring a companion for 2-3 hours per day is a great option.
  • An In-home Caregiver – An in-home caregiver is a great solution for an aging parent who wishes to remain at home or in their “granny flat” in your home but needs help with daily functioning. They can still live in their familiar environment while getting the help and attention they need. Care can range from personal care to nursing care, depending on their needs.

In conclusion, don’t let yourself become a “sandwich” who is torn between caring for your children and your aging parents or other loved ones. Getting the support you need will make all the difference. It will give you time to care for yourself so you can care for your loved ones for as long as they need it.

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